1. Studying needs and trends
The first step in creating a leather goods item is to immerse ourselves in analysis and research.
we start by studying current trends, keeping an eye on trends and, above all, listening to customers. your opinions and feedback are invaluable!
It's like putting the first pieces of the jigsaw in place to ensure that our final product will be exactly what you're looking for.

2. Brainstorming and sketching
With all the information in hand, we move on to the brainstorming and sketching phase. The team gives free rein to its imagination and scribbles ideas down on paper.
This is a super-creative moment when all ideas, no matter how crazy, are welcome. At this stage, it's really about exploring all the possibilities without putting up any barriers.

3. Prototyping in the workshop
Once a few ideas stand out, we move on to the workshop to create prototypes. The leatherworkers take the sketches and make a physical model.
This is when the concept comes to life! You can touch, handle and test the article to see how it works and what it looks like in real life. It's often at this point that you realise that small adjustments need to be made.

4. Meeting and feedback
With the prototype in hand, it's time to gather feedback. Meetings are organised with the whole team to obtain direct feedback. Comments are discussed, criticisms are taken on board and any necessary adjustments are made. Once everyone is satisfied, the final design is validated.
This is a key moment to make sure we're on the right track.

5. Technical drawings
After validation, it's time for the technical drawings! These documents detail all the product specifications: dimensions, materials and manufacturing techniques. They are very useful in the workshop to ensure that each part produced meets our quality standards.
It's a bit like a precise recipe that has to be followed to the letter to produce the perfect dish.

6. It's off to production!
Production is where the magic happens. We start mass production of the item. Each stage of production is meticulously supervised to guarantee impeccable quality.
The materials are carefully selected and we put all our know-how into creating a finished product that exactly matches our standards and your expectations.

7. Customer returns
Once the product is in the shop, your feedback continues to play a crucial role. We analyse your opinions to measure your satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. This feedback loop means we can always keep in step with your expectations and perfect our creations.
It's an essential step if we are to stay at the top of our game and offer products that are ever more adapted and innovative.